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Super ear hearing agente
Super ear hearing agente



22 freeSuper Ear allows you to better hear the meeting or if you have hearing troubles and do not have your hearing support to hand. Just plug in your headsets and start listening better.Can you hear a lot more with this simple app!. Includes: + Simple user interface. + User notifications. + Indoors amplifier.+ Automatically shuts down when removes the headphones. + Works in background.

来自应用汇: Super ear hearing agente http://www.appchina.com/app/com.earagent.superears?from=spi-desc


  • 类型 办公商务
  • 大小 2.44M
  • 版本 1.3.0
  • 语言
  • 时间 2022-09-17
  • 浏览 52