HO JENG AR专为香港设计的应用
HO JENG AR是一款移动应用程序,具有六个沉浸式体验,为香港设计了六个标志性的AR角色-粤语中的“ HO JENG AR”也表示“太棒了!”。一旦用户打开该应用程序,虚拟主机Lenni就会从新的角度看待事物,并讲述HO JENG AR的故事并提供逐步指导以指导用户解锁角色。用户可以通过不同的方式与角色进行交互-拖放角色以放置角色,并捏和缩放以调整其大小。此外,当用户与角色互动并在社交媒体上共享AR角色的照片或视频时,可以收集Joy Points。 Joy Points用于解锁AR角色和社区合作伙伴提供的优惠的新外观。
六个字符代表着香港的标志和氛围,包括:具有弹力的丹丹;随和的查理;运动型远足HayHay Twins:Hayley&Hayden;狮子狮子狮子狮子永远乐观的卢米;和幸运的维克。通过将角色放置在您周围的环境中,用户可以玩耍这些丰富多彩的角色,从而创造更多欢乐的世界。下载明信片集可详细了解每个角色的性格和对香港的正面讯息,可在Google for Hong Kong网站上免费获得。
传播快乐有其好处。赚取Joy Points积分,以赢得全市商人和合作伙伴的惊喜奖励。
HO JENG AR app designed for Hong Kong
HO JENG AR is a mobile application featuring an immersive experience with six iconic AR characters designed for Hong Kong - “HO JENG AR” in Cantonese also means “Awesome!”. Once the users open the app, virtual host Lenni, who has a knack for looking at things from new perspectives, will tell the HO JENG AR story and provide step-by-step instructions that guide users to unlock the characters. Users can interact with the characters in different ways - drag and drop the character to place it, and pinch and zoom to adjust its size. Moreover, Joy Points can be collected when users interact with the characters, and share a photo or video of the AR characters on social media. Joy Points are used to unlock new skins for the AR characters and offers provided by community partners.
The six characters represent the icons and vibe of Hong Kong including: DanDan who has a bouncy personality; easy-going Charlie; the sporty hiking HayHay Twins: Hayley & Hayden; cheerful and curious lion Leo; ever upbeat Lumi; and happy-go-lucky Vic. Users can play with this colorful cast of characters by placing them in your surroundings to create an augmented world of joy. Download the postcard set to learn more about each character’s personality and positive message for Hong Kong, available free on the Google for Hong Kong website.
How to Play
1. Figure it out
Simply crack the (obvious) clues, and find everyday objects and symbols that bring joy to almost every Hong Konger.
2. Scan and Unlock
When you find the right object, just scan it! The app magically transforms these everyday things into joyful characters, which you can play and interact with.
3. Play, Personalise and Share
Once you unlock a character, go ahead and have fun! Create your own joyful moments, mix and match them, as well as include your friends and family. Most importantly, don’t stop posting and sharing.
4. Plenty of surprises and rewards await!
Spreading joy has its benefits. Earn Joy Points to score surprise rewards from merchants and partners across the city.
Start playing now to find Hong Kong’s most joyful characters!