This game revolves around troubled story of high school dropout descendant Gary whose sole purpose is to bully the other naughty students and his class fellows, Gary proves himself to be incredibly evil, manipulative to other students and teachers, and highly intelligent, being a bad boy he constantly reminds others of his arrogance and vanity. This game is not about shooting or fighting but its a fun game full of adventure where you will be an interesting gangster in your school and you will break all the rules of the discipline! Your mission is to behave like a bad boy bully in high school gangster, survive and escape through hard time missions. Fight and strike slender students and high school security guards to bully in cafeteria and college hallway. Sneak into the principal office stealing important confidential notes and survive your time lock in detention, sneaking from creepy teachers and authorities. 高中流氓是第三人称坏小子恶霸游戏,一个陷入困境的精神病患者青少年进入学校生活,享受羞辱其他高中学生和老师。你作为第三人称球员;加里,不得不面对学校的恶霸,并保存他的朋友不要打架,扔石块和文件,不要过分关注自己,并阻止任何人向校长抱怨你对这个流氓疯狂冒险的秘密追捕高中比赛。你被拘留作为纪律处分的惩罚,在老师睡觉时偷偷溜出办公室,摧毁校园摄像机以清除犯罪记录中的任何镜头。成为高中的恶性罪犯,准备好为你的生活带来一些乐趣。