Discover events, Sell and buy event Tickets!Now you can easily sell and buy tickets through eventevent app.Discover event and buy paid tickets.and for organizers just simply set-up tickets for selling and easily get paid (currently only supports Indonesia bank account)eventevent is the Marketplace and social networking App for event attendee & event organizers.With our social timeline feature, find out where your friends are going to or what’s happening around youGet ideas for your Saturday nights, be more cultured, and excite your dayswith upcoming events. EventEvent helps you make sure you always have something tolook forward to. Use eventevent to:• Post your own event• Sell and buy event Tickets• Browse popular and upcoming events near you• Get event recommendations based on your interests & friends recommendations• View event details, including maps and directions • View your friends event agenda, when and where they are going on your social timeline• Socialize with friends and networks, send event suggestions, interact or comment on their timeline, send and receive photos.• Check in on venue or events with your friends• Receive notifications about new events & events updates• Post and promote your events, and share with other usersPlease Read our Data Use Policy, Terms and other important info in the About section of our App.Credit: Emoji art supplied by EmojiOne
来自应用汇: eventevent - Post your own event & ticket