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Recall: Create reminders in seconds ⚡️
Recall: Create reminders in seconds ⚡️



Emailing reminders to yourself? Or worse yet, trying to juggle things in your head? With Recall, create reminders in seconds, and never again struggle to remember something or miss another follow-up.⚡️ Designed for speedAdding things to Recall is blazingly fast – simply type what you need to remember…and you’re done.⏰ Instant reminders & time presets Creating a reminder takes < 2 seconds using natural presets like Today Evening, Tomorrow Morning and more.⭐️ Gorgeous UI. No clutter. No ads.Good design makes things pleasurable to use. In Recall, every interaction is designed to be seamless and beautiful. It's the kind of app you’ll love to use.Have feedback? Email me at felixjamestin@gmail.com

来自应用汇: Recall: Create reminders in seconds ⚡️ http://www.appchina.com/app/com.recallapp_rn?from=spi-desc


  • 类型 办公商务
  • 大小 8.99M
  • 版本 2.1
  • 语言
  • 时间 2022-09-20
  • 浏览 59