★★★★★ Access directly to WhatsApp™ platform just like you where in the official App. Very Low CPU/RAM/Bandwidth consumption. All features available and works on Tablets and any device without SIM card.
FEATURES ✔ Green Messenger fits in a 1Mb app. ✔ Green Messenger unlock the possibility to run WhatsApp in devices that can't run the official App. ✔ Green Messenger can sync with any WhatsApp number and works with official WhatsApp installed. You can have in your smartphone/tablet 2+ accounts working simultaneously. ✔ All Social Media apps together make your device slow. Uninstall them all and use Oinkandstuff App's to keep your device performance at it's peek.
Also on Google Chrome Webstore: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/jbdenakghoccpkjaboikhbinhmopiiio
来自应用汇: Green Messenger http://www.appchina.com/app/com.oinkandstuff.greenmessenger?from=spi-desc